It is rare that governernment comes out with something new that actually improves “the system” – the methods in which we get service from the government. Well, Canada Post has introduced permanent stamps – the idea being that you buy a stamp for one domestic postage – not 51 cents of postage, for which you need to buy 1 cent stamps when the price goes up a penny.
It’s about time. Not that this is an original idea, but at least Canada Post has the good judgement to see a good idea others are implementing. No more having to go online to see if the postage rate has changed since the last time I mailed a letter. No more having to keep stupid 1 cent stamps around to use up the rest of my “old” stamps.
Now if only Calgary transit could do the same thing for its bus tickets.
So, what prevents a person from buying a roll of 1000 stamps now and using them for the next 10 years?
Nothing – and more power to them. The Post Office can invest the $520 into their business , gaining a net return that exceeds any loss from offering what amounts to a bulk fixed price contract. At least that’s the theory.