Click somewhere on these pictures

Here is something interesting. Go and click somewhere on each of these 8 rectangles. Then view a score showing where you and other people clicked. Go run test now, come back and read rest.




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I ain’t about explain human behavior other than to ask the following: What the hell is up with the general “X” pattern on every image – repeated where the area is broken up into several spaces – most obvious on the 1st and 2nd images – see the big X of the 1st and the smaller X’s of the 2nd? Also the 8th – where people have a strong tendency to click between the lines.
There is something here I can’t put my finger on – but some minority people seem to click in geographically significant areas more subtle than middle of square, on line etc. I’d almost bet it’s subconscious, but why? I have no idea, which makes it interesting.

About ralph

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