Now that’s photo irony

So I suddenly find my self being asked permission to use my photos on some small media site, ( in an article about a grandmother who was legally strong-armed by Syncrude to pull photos she had taken. I decided to check this out a little bit, to make sure I wasn’t aiding some crack-pot site/grandmother. Seems fine, other than I think Syncrude was justified in getting her to pull the photos. You see, she was on tour of the site, and they generally have bans on photos on the sites. I’m sure that taking photos while on a Syncrude tour is no different.

Well, when I pull up the nowpublic request to check it out, I find I have another email from a rental site, It seems the site owner would like to decorate his site with some photos of Ft. Sask, and he thinks mine are really nice. Considering what I wrote about the lack of beauty in Ft. Sask, and the general grey day I took the photos, I find this somewhat amusing, and ironic considering I thought the photos to be kinda blah.

Perhaps there is an angle here a photographer could use to make a career – find towns that have as little charm as possible and take the best photos you can there – businesses and the town government will be looking to buy your works to help spruce up their image.

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Calgary the Cosmopolitan City

Since I’m posting this rant on Flickr’s discussion boards, I’ll blog it as well, cuz, well, it’s too good not to blog as well.

Personally, I want the “cosmopolitan” character we have now with about half the people. I’m born and bred Calgarian and let me tell you, this city is a lot more “cosmopolitan” than what it was when I was growing up.

Now as to what that word means to me, I expect to be able to go eat / drink and have a choice to partake in most world cuisines. I expect that the nightlife will also have a selection of cultural events that span the world. I expect different architectural styles in different parts of the city. I expect there to be little Italys and Chinatowns. I expect to be able to find other people with my own interests and tastes, be they common, or on the more eccentric side. And, from this site’s POV, I expect there to be endless opportunities for photos on a range of subjects.

Are we there yet? Hell no! We will never be there in some respects – New York is New York partly because it’s had the time to develop all the interesting facets it has, unlike Toronto, or Calgary. But, we do have more of the good stuff that makes a big city a tourist attraction than we had 20 years ago. Unfortunately, we have more of the problems too.

I rode home on my bicycle from downtown for the first time today during “rush hour” and I just can’t believe how stressful it is now compared to the last time I would’ve done that oh, 15 years ago or so. *Most* people are fine and reasonable, it’s the assholes and idjits that you remember, and their are enough people on the paths now that the 2% human scum factor is getting to be a real problem. OTOH, I can have a nice ride home along the Bow River (even with the idjits) and not have to fight with the traffic for a good part of the ride home. Not too many cities where you can do that, for sure.

Let me comment on Trever’s original thought, specifically

“anybody coming in that does not have a place to live and a job already, can get turned away.”

What the hell is wrong with that? He’s pretty much stating Ralph Klein’s Creeps and Bums speech in a different way – why would you move to another city without a job and a place is beyond me – but people do it all the time – and in Calgary right now, if you try it, you are more likely that not to get burned. Turning them away would be doing them a favor – there are enough people with jobs but can’t afford a place who end up living on the street as it is. The word has to be gotten out to the rest of the country that a $10/hr job alone is not enough to dig up roots and come out here – you’d better have your living space covered too, and while you’re at it, get a $15/hr job.

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Dirty Blonde + Halloween brew = goodness

I remember when Melvin/Bug/Zarq brewed “Hi Honey I’m Drunk” and “Black Hole Brew”. Individually, they had serious flaws (sickly sweet and bitter beer face bitter) but together, they were something fantastical.

Well, I have discovered my own version thereof. My Halloween Brew, mixed 50/50 with my “Dirty Blonde” is actually more pleasant than either on it’s own, especially the DB brew. It comes out mixed with a subtle hop and tinge of lemon, like squeezing a lemon into a Corona and mixing it with a New Castle Brown.

My only problem is, I’m down to my last three bottles of Halloween Brew. Drat!

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Dirty Blonde dissapoints

My current home brew I have just started drinking dubbed “Dirty Blonde” has been a bit of a disappointment.

It comes off with a strong lemon flavor, finishing on a grapefruit note, minimal hop flavor. The left over yeast has a strange “sour yogurt” type of taste, best left behind on the bottom of the bottle.
I started with a Brew Canada kit, adding Munton’s light spray malt to firm up the body. I up the sugar content too, so it’s not like I’m brewing by the instructions here.
I’m going to point the finger at the Brew Canada kit here – the flavor was not as nice out of the can, and the hops had a harsh bitter edge, not much of a floral theme, and not much in terms of malty taste either. I thought the hops was a bit coarse as well, not good for imbibing the beer with flavor.

It’s not like Brew Canada is really cheap either, it is however available in grocery stores. I would just say don’t expect killer beer from these kits, however, it might be just fine if you follow the instructions – but I wasn’t looking for that type of beer anyways – for what I’m trying to do (Belgium style light beer) it didn’t even come close.

The name I picked is apt though – the yeast takes FOREVER to settle out of this one, I find it best to leave a good cm on the bottom to prevent the icky tasting yeast of this one to come out, otherwise, it’s dirty blonde color, rather than a bright blonde. Next time, I’ll try a Munton’s light beer product for a summer beer, it might put out a better flavor than Canadian version.

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A Tail of Two Cities

Okay, this isn’t exactly about two “cities”, Fort Saskatchewan (hens forth, “The Fort” as the locals like to abbreviate) is not exactly a city, but close enough when talking about “small cities” (15K as of 2006) compared to Sarnia, of around 75K.

We are talking about two places: one that acts as the regional focal point in south west Ontario, the other a suburban annex of Edmonton Alberta. The differences, me thinks, are more due to the suburbia effect.

To illustrate with pictures, here are what I feel are the four best pictures I took in each city:

the four best of Sarnia

the four best I took at The Fort

For Sarnia, I had a hard time picking four pictures. For The Fort, I had a hard time taking four pictures. The old part of the town seems to be dieing out , with what little charm there is mostly being around the river, and downtown, such as it is. The new developments are exactly what you would see in any new Calgary suburb: a wasteland of parking space with trademark stores and big box retailers to drive between. It is sad that in ten minutes of walking I passed four liquor stores, three fast food places and not a single restaurant. Then again, I had no business walking in that parking lot in the first place. The only thing I found of interest was this:

Calgary needs some of these rather than the flashing hand so you have an idea how many seconds before death cometh forth in the form of rumbling steel chariots to smote you down. But it certainly ain’t a pretty picture – just shows the same suburban character that you would see anywhere on the outskirts of any city here.

Sarnia had more places to eat than I could try within walking distance of my motel. The Fort had a bunch of franchise places, with a few restaurants in the downtown core. The one place I tried that looked at least somewhat promising was okay, but nothing I would want to eat at more than once in a while. In Sarnia, I found a nice classy place to eat (attached to a Super 8 motel – go figure) and a great pub with good food, good beer, good price. Try finding that in Calgary these days.

Sarnia had some nice old buildings in it’s downtown core. I’m not sure what The Fort ever had. The mall (currently deserted, to be renovated) gobbled up a fair bit of the old town area, along with some new buildings of bland design. Speaking of deserted, I decided to try the Smitty’s for dinner (being the best and only restaurant choice within 20 minutes walk) and found it to be closed due to lack of staff. When I end up hitting the McD’s for lack of better choice, I know things are grim.

Now, I’m not ragging on Ft. Sask. here in particular, Airdrie, or any suburb community in Calgary is no better – they all have these mega-shopping areas that are suited only to driving your car to, from, and between stores, with no charm, or unique character that would tell you where you are. I have no idea why people shop at these things. At least in a mall, you’re inside from the elements – here you need to shop, walk to your car, drive through snarled traffic to the next store 2 minutes away, and walk to your next store, repeat. Hell, I’m sure Sarnia has one of these shopping places tucked away somewhere I didn’t get to, thankfully.

I can forgive the lack of character and walkability for the Fort, I can forgive the liquor store on every corner (this is Alberta), but I cannot forgive the total lack of anything approaching an interesting restaurant. It just seems insane that the only way to go and have an interesting dining experience is to go into Edmonton. But perhaps that is exactly what the Fort is tailored to – literally a bedroom community where any quality time is spent back in the big city. Doesn’t do much to foster a sense of small town living, which is what these ‘burbs are supposed to be about.

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New levels of bandwidth abuse

A while back when web pages were new, you had bandwidth hogs – people who designed web pages that were too large for their own good. One of the “tricks” used was to use an image to display text, when plain old text would be so much smaller, searchable, and clickable.

Well, now with video online, you have people displaying text, in videos – when they could just post on their blog, or make a Powerpointless presentation. What’s scary is that some of these things actually see the light of day on Digg or MySpace (ok, nothing surprises me on MySpace).

It seems that the fixation on the latest trend in technology is about the only thing that isn’t changing in consumer level technology. On top of it, I can’t even “read” these videos at a reasonable pace, since they are set at a speed for average grade 7 reading levels.

What really sucks is I feel like the old man on the porch yelling at the kids about how we didn’t do things that way in my day, but hey, in this case, I’d have to say it’s the same stupidity, new technology, and I never did do things that way in my day, so there.

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Why use Gmail video?

I’ve been using Gmail for a bit, as a secondary account. Now, Gmail is now available to anyone and their dog. The engineers have made a video, telling you why you might want to use Gmail:
Why Use Gmail? video

Why do I think you might want to use Gmail, outside of what the video suggests?

1) Accessible. Yes, I know, any self-respecting geek has an email account they can get at anywhere, but this is for the rest of you that haven’t clued in that it might be a good thing to have an email account you can access anywhere you have internet.
2)Big. 2.822 GB of storage and increasing. With 5MB video attachments becoming ever more common, you need this kind of space these days.

3)Nested messaging. Yeah, I know the video covers this, but it can’t be over emphasized – grouping messages by thread makes it so much easier to follow a conversation – works more like newsgroups. What I’m not sure about is how well this works when you have multiple people being added/dropped to a thread as a conversation goes on – happens in a work situation when you are trying to move a process forward that requires input from different people as things move forward.

Someday, I’m going to get Trevor to show me how to easily embed Youtube videos into this blog. It’s easy, right?????

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Darwin Awards emails: Good Idea or Tool of Satan?

Darwin Awards – anyone who has had internet access for the last ten years must surely know about them. In the last month I have received two emails regarding this year’s Darwin Awards. One was a link to the Darwin Awards site’s 2006 awards winners.

The other seem to be part bogus email, and part truth, as the “winner” in this email was actually the 1995 winner, now proved to be an urban legend that fooled even the Darwin people.

I got thinking about how many times I have received bogus Darwin award winner emails over the years and further more was thinking ‘why do people create these things in the first place?’ I can only come to the conclusion that there are quite a few pathological liars out there who just have to email all their friends with the cool stuff they are finding out on the internet. I’ve experienced only one of these liars and the stories they come up with can on the surface sound quite plausible – but once you dig into them a bit, they fall apart – sound familiar?

The problems start when these pathological liars send emails out to their naive friends – who might be naive about internet lore in general, and/or be naive in general and just buy everything their pathological friend tells them. The naive friend will likely have other naive friends, who have even less of a chance of knowing the reliably of the previous source. And they tell two friends, and they tell two friends, and so on, and so on…

… causing those of us who have been on the ‘net a long time to periodically get these bogus or semi-bogus emails, from those that we love but whose computer we must often support.

So what I end up doing is heading over to the real Darwin Award site, and checking out any email I get claiming to be “This Years Darwin Awards”, then going and informing said naive friend about the bogus nature of the email they sent me. I do this because I hate mis-information, especially its rapid spread through emails from trusted friends.

I think at some point, proven pathological liars are just going to have to be denied publishing privileges by any means on the internet. Either that or Darwin Awards are going to have to stop so I can just fire back an instant “This is bogus…” email without having to check into the veracity of the email I have just been sent. But that would be selfish of me. I can’t explain why Darwin Awards seem to be a more frequent target of “bogusification”. Perhaps pathological liars feel the need to one up the stupidity level told in the real stories?

On the other hand, Darwin Awards do present some useful use other than their obvious entertainment value. I can instantly peg someone’s “‘net cluefullness” by what kind of Darwin Awards email they send me. Something along the lines of “This year’s Darwin Awards are up {link to real Darwin Awards site}” tells me that they are cluefull and on top of it, assume I am cluefull. The ones who send me emails with some pasted text in them: definitely less cluefull. Not necessarily stupid, just not as experienced in what kind of crap floats around in the toilet bowl of email these days. I definitely use the BS filter on future emails from these people, because even if they thought it was worth sending, it could still be just another form of chain letter, scam, or well, BS.

I suppose I should answer my original question; good idea or tool of Satan.
I guess it’s good, overall, at least I get some useful information out of these emails, even if the email itself is crud.

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Cellphone payments by VISA

Article on CBC: Visa to launch global cellphone payment system

Well, finally something comes along that has the potential to replace cash for all transactions. Interac and credit cards work to get rid of most cash transactions, but what about person – to – person transactions? Nothing beats cash right now for transactions between individuals. Yes, you can do it over a computer, but it is a pain compared to just handing some cash over.
Cellphones, that’s another story. It’s pretty much getting to the point where pretty much anyone could have a cell phone, and having it on you is the point of the thing, so rather than having to pull out $10 for that funky lamp you want to buy at a garage sale, you’ll pull out your cellphone instead.

Now, as to if this will catch on, well, it depends on how VISA pulls this off. There is little detail right now as to how it works, but I can tell you right now what the criteria for success will be: It’s going to have to be universally usable – from vending machines to car dealers. It’s going to have to be fast and easy. I shouldn’t have to wait even one minute to confirm payment before handing over the goods to someone I’m selling something to. Lastly, it’s going to have to be cheap. Very cheap if I’m using it to buy a pop, cheap if I’m using it to sell something – similar to the three cents on a dollar a typical merchant pays when you whip out your VISA right now.

We will see. I don’t expect cash to go away tomorrow, but I could see cellphone payment putting several nails in the cash coffin if it’s done right.

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The 10 most dangerous toys of all time

From “I can’t believe anyone would ever sell something like this” to “what could be harmful about this” I give you

 The 10 most dangerous toys of all time

I remember some of these, I only wish I remembered the Atomic energy lab.

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