Tag Archives: Podium

If I was King of the World

So let’s pretend I was King of the World. One day, the people’s representative comes to me with a problem

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From simple ideas come great things

So I was browsing Digg thinking again how lame most of the submissions are when I run across this: He Took a Polaroid Every Day, Until the Day He Died This is a brilliant post about a brilliant find on … Continue reading

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One of the better rants on the state of the music “business”

Highly recommended reading: When Pigs Fly: The Death of Oink, the Birth of Dissent, and a Brief History of Record Industry Suicide. I am not a huge music fan. I used to buy the occasional CD, occasional becoming even less … Continue reading

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The headline for the Calgary Election should be “Dollars don’t buy you Votes”

Another predicable boring election is over in Calgary – other than Helene Larocque being voted out of my former Ward, the rest of the results I mostly don’t care about. But there were some good signs – voter turnout up … Continue reading

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Calgary the Cosmopolitan City

Since I’m posting this rant on Flickr’s discussion boards, I’ll blog it as well, cuz, well, it’s too good not to blog as well. — Personally, I want the “cosmopolitan” character we have now with about half the people. I’m … Continue reading

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Darwin Awards emails: Good Idea or Tool of Satan?

Darwin Awards – anyone who has had internet access for the last ten years must surely know about them. In the last month I have received two emails regarding this year’s Darwin Awards. One was a link to the Darwin … Continue reading

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You know, Canadians spend so much time bashing Americans we forget that Americans at their best produce some truly awe – inspiring feats unmatched the world over. Specifically today I am referring to the Mars Rovers, which are sending back … Continue reading

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