Some Hikes around Bouse Y

Test Pit SR602133

The area south of Bouse besides being full of hills is full of holes. Little test pit holes, that people prospecting in the past have dug. Larry told me that in World War II, the area was used for shelling practice, so the occasional hole may not be a pit. Evidently, brass shell casings are still to be found occasionally in the area. I never did get to the Bouse Military Historic Display, but I did see the tanks situated by the road.

Marker 7D2_4916

I see markers too – probably former claim sites, abandoned for many years now.

Hills and Green at Sunset 7D2_4907

The scenery is nice – a mix of green and red with hills and washes. There are cows, burros and coyotes in the area. You hear them at night, sounding like they are in the washes 200 metres away. I see many fresh foot prints in the day, but never a cow, burro, or coyote to be seen in person. Where do they all hide during the day?

Desert Concrete 7D2_4914

There is even some desert concrete mixed in up here. I actually found a spot I think I could get to with a my rig, and have all to myself on the rocks. Tempting, but I’m trying to be social.

David Admires the View7D2_4920

David turns out to be a pretty good hiker and comes along for some more extended jaunts in the hills. We admire the view from above.

Me Admiring the View 7D2_4921

It is handy to have someone along for a hike, besides the conversation, you have someone who can just take a picture of you, rather than my usual pain in the ass setup with my bean bag and figuring out the framing without me in the picture.

I have an evening potluck to contribute to. I’m not setup for making dishes for potluck, so I am struggling to come up with something. I had some left over Quinoa / Rice, could I do something with that? I also have a bag of small potatoes. Hmmm, add bacon – bacon makes everything good! I fry up the bacon first, adding the potatoes part way through the bacon frying. Once the potatoes are nearly done, I add the left over Quinoa / Rice mix. I add some seasoning salt and a garlic/pepper mix to taste. It turned out really good!

Sunset from Potluck SR602149

I admire the sunset from our fire, sated after some really good food and company.

About ralph

Just another blog to share some thoughts with the world. Want to comment? If you know how to contact me, I can manually set up a commenting account for you. Sorry, commenting is not open to the general public at this time.
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