The scenery around where I am

Nanaimo Cloud Reflection SR600446The sun does shine occasionally on Vancouver Island in the fall. When it does, you make the most of it and get out there, right up until the last light fades – and even beyond to see the stars. Living Forest Campground has some great scenery right around the campground, and only a short walk away.
But the real magic is sunrise and sunset – the dramatic colors come out then. I’m not much of a morning person, but I do make sure to delay dinner as required to get the most out of a promising sunset.

Glorious sunset colors SR600372
A nice day end reflecting in the water looking at the Chase River entering the estuary


Nanaimo Waterfront Skyline SR600367
Sunset over Nanaimo


Enjoying the sunset SR600371
Enjoying sunset with another campground guest

In fact, it was a really good sunset, with the sky lit up everywhere – time for a panorama!

Nanaimo Estuary Pano SR600360
Sunset panorama showing the sky lit up all along the estuary

The ships and ferries can add a bit of subject matter in with your sunset.

Boats beyond the estuary SR600366
Two freighters and the Gabriola Island ferry

There is walking through the woods as well, which can be magical, and occasionally a bit creepy.

Creepy woods SR600386
Tangled underbrush in the dark woods B&W

One fortunate evening the skies were mostly clear and you could see the milky way – not the darkest skies, but not bad for ten minutes from the center of town.

Pleiades above pulp mill glow 7D2_6252
Pleiades above the Pulp mill glow
Duke Point Terminal Glow 7D2_6262
Fog rolling into the terminal on Duke Point
Campground under the stars 7D2_6261
Campground dark skies

But although the moon rising prevented me from getting dark sky pictures another night, it did rise front of me in the mauve last light as I walked back to my campsite.

Moon over Mauve Skies SR600459
Moon in mauve skies

All in all, a lot to see just right around the campsite. I’ve been getting out as much as possible. There are animals and stuff to see too, as you’ll see in my next posts…

About ralph

Just another blog to share some thoughts with the world. Want to comment? If you know how to contact me, I can manually set up a commenting account for you. Sorry, commenting is not open to the general public at this time.
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