Home Improvement Wiki, where art thou?

I’m going to start with my conclusions rather than how I got there – you can read on if you want all the grisly details.

What did I learn today? The internet sucks on home improvement advice. Sure, it’s fine if you want something basic – in fact there’s a zillion sites on the basic stuff. But as soon as you need something out of the ordinary, the resources drop to zero. Frankly, all the big box stores need to do is quit duplicating what everyone else is doing on home improvment advice and start their own wiki. What’s out there right now just doesn’t cut it.

Wikihow is kind of a weird beast. Check out their category “Home Improvements and Repairs“. Okay, there is some good stuff here, but replacing a Zippo Wick ain’t exactly home improvement, and “Get a Ghost out of your House” ought to be in occult rituals or some such. Hell, getting rid of the ghosts might spoil the home atmosphere or something :). Then there is How to Safeguard a Home with Homemade BoobyTraps – that is a hoot. All in all I can’t decide if Wikihow is Wiki’s run rampant with useless information or just a good idea gone off the deep end. I mean, a Wiki telling people how to do things would be really good, assuming the advice was correct, and a little more specific. One last gem: “How to Clean Oil off a Driveway” – Step one – ‘Go to your local hardware store and ask for a product that will clean up the oil’. Uh huh – perhaps you could TELL ME WHAT PRODUCTS I might get.

Oh and one other thing I learned today was to buy/rent a hammer drill if you’re going to be doing much more than a couple of holes in concrete, especially if it’s hard concrete.
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Savor it – a good idea comes forth from Government

It is rare that governernment comes out with something new that actually improves “the system” – the methods in which we get service from the government. Well, Canada Post has introduced permanent stamps – the idea being that you buy a stamp for one domestic postage – not 51 cents of postage, for which you need to buy 1 cent stamps when the price goes up a penny.

It’s about time. Not that this is an original idea, but at least Canada Post has the good judgement to see a good idea others are implementing. No more having to go online to see if the postage rate has changed since the last time I mailed a letter. No more having to keep stupid 1 cent stamps around to use up the rest of my “old” stamps.

Now if only Calgary transit could do the same thing for its bus tickets.

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30 is good to know

So I was driving home last night from the bar when I run across a check stop. Now, since I’d been drinking, my first panic reaction was ‘oh shit, I’m screwed’. I pull up to the officer and immediately mis-understand the first two questions he asks, in the process of him determining where I was coming from, and if I’d had had anything to drink. Of course, between that and my admission that I’d had three beers I wasn’t surprised to be asked to pull over for a breath sample.

Now, I’ve never been checked before on the road – the few times I’ve been stopped, I’ve always been waved through, or if they asked me, I’d never had anything to drink. So I really had no idea how close I was to being legally impared. Sure, I’d had three beers, starting at 6:30, finishing at 9:30, with a meal thrown in and it being 10pm now to boot, so by the standard one-drink-per-hour wisdom, I should be fine, right?

But I don’t feel completly sober, so I’m worried a bit, I calm down thinking it through, while waiting for the officer to come test me. After a few minutes, he arrives and we go through the routine – not routine for me – I’m just hoping that all is well. Then we have the wait a minute for the unit to process the result. Great – more waiting.

Finally the unit beeps and the officer says everything is okay, while the unit does show some alcohol in my system, I will be allowed to drive away when we’re done. He shows me the reading – “30” is what it says, which I take to be 0.030%, (=30mg/100ml, which is the legal use) well within the legal 0.08 % limit. He then says that I’m free to go after one of the MADD people talks to me.

I’m relieved at this point, but a bit annoyed about getting a potential lecture from the MADD people. But it turns out that they are just giving out goodie bags – I can handle that! So I drive off, feeling I’ve had a valuable lession – but not the one the Police / MADD people would like I suspects.
I have a yardstick to follow now – in that I know the drinking I did that night was well within the legal blood limit. However, don’t think for a second that I’m going to be drinking more based on the fact I was well under the limit. I consider myself from my own personal feeling, to have been “borderline”; at least now I know my borderline is well within the law. Also, consder that According to the government, you can be charged even below the limit. Based on how I felt at 0.03%, I don’t think I’d be fit to drive at double that, even though that is still within the limit. Also to consider these days, since a first charge nets you a criminal record, one year driver’s licence suspention, and a hefty insurance increase – it is way, way, way better to stay well on the safe side of the line, now that I have an idea where that is.

Oh, and there is some pressure to lower the legal limit to 0.05% If you can be charged at below that amount anyways, I’m not sure I see the point. I’m pretty sure at this point they’re taking away your keys for 24hours if you blow 0.05%, although according the Safety Councel link below not in Alberta, Considering how severe the penalties are, I think I’d rather see things stay the way they are – the Canada Safety Councel seems to think so too, which I found surprising. But what they say makes sense – countries with 0.05 limits have much less severe penalties for driving over the limit, often just a fine.

MADD would like to see the limit lowered to 0.05%. What they’d really like is a zero tolerance policy. I say if you’re going to have that, you need to remove radios, block off passengers, and have all controls not related to driving be dead while the car is in drive. Oh, and no driving allowed if you have not had at least 8 hours of sleep in the last 36 hours, and yearly driver tests. All of the above is too constricting. Let’s just let the officers have the judgement to make the call. I didn’t look like the most alert driver in the world so I got tested. Had I not seemed reasonably coherent while I was doing my test, I’m sure the officer would’ve impounded my car for 24 hours.

The system works. I just think about how I hardly see any drunk drivers anymore over the holidays – there used to be many more. No matter what, you’ll never get rid of drunk driving – people make mistakes, some people are stupid, no law is going to fix that.

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Flickr is my friend

Originally uploaded by ferreth.

I have a flickr account. Look at the pretty pictures. Ooooh, aaaah….


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I found my Mug!

If I have actually talked to you in meat space in the last month or so, you may remember me lamenting that I somehow lost my mug. Not just a mug but my favorite mug, given to me by a dear friend (Hi Pam!) some years ago.

mugI tend to use this mug a lot because it holds one pint of beer (with space for a head), chills nicely, and has a nice handle grip. Similar your favorite coffee cup, er well, you wouldn’t want to chill that unless you’re doing iced coffee – but I digress.

So when my mug seemed to just disapear, I thought at first that it would show up pretty quick, it musta just be somewhere other than on my desk or in the kitchen. A couple of days later, still no mug – so I go rooting through the house, checking all the more unusual spots I might have left it – fridge top, food cupboards, outside on the deck, garden. No mug. I’m really wondering at this point – a mug is not something I can easily bury in paper or drop behind a shelf like some of my other lost treasures of the past. So I pretty much gave it up to being beer gremlins or aliens swipe my mug, wipe my mind kind of thing. Oh yes, and for the record, I was not mind-blowingly drunk at the time I lost the mug, so I highly doubt I did anything like throw it off the deck to try to peg some annoying brats playing in the alley.

Then as I’m folding laundry today I’m sitting in front of my bed, and what do I see peeking out underneath? My Mug!

I have no idea how it got under there. My best guess is that it’s there from the last time I was folding laundry in front of the bed, which I don’t always do. I am so relieved – no aliens, gremlins, or blanked out drunken episodes to worry about now! In fact, I’m celibrating with a nicely chilled London Porter being drunk out of the mug right now. Perhaps I should’ve washed the mug first since it was under the bed… nah; the beer will kill the germs.

On another note, I promised Pam I’d put some pictures up here from our zoo trips, so here are a few from the most recent:

That’s all the pics for now. What I need is a way to upload pictures where it automatically scales them back to a size I set or I could just upload the big-ass originals. Thoughts?

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Bison – the Other Red Meat

For my auspicious first post I give you… Bison meat.

My dad phones me yesterday and tells me that Crossroads market has a dealer selling bison meat from their farm. So I braved the crowds there on a Sunday to go find this source. I found the place, Sunwapta Bison, and purchase three kinds of steak of improving grade: Ribeye, New York, and Tenderloin. I also got the last of the hamberger patties, the only ones left were the large 6oz puppies.

I have one thawing right now for supper: 6oz Bison

That’s it beside the bottle cap – it’s big and very lean looking.

I hope it tastes as good as it looks. Updates once it’s hit the stomach.

[Later Edit] Mmmm, tasty. A bit over done perhaps? But it kept bleeding red while I was flipping it, so I kept cooking it. Might need to turn down the heat a bit. They do shrink a bit – I think I would prefer the 5oz so I can eat two of these things without being starving at the time.

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