Cooking Show Comic Genious

I got curious about what kind of internet cooking shows might be out there so I fired up You Tube and typed in “cooking shows” in their search. The “Trailer Park Cooking Show” catches my eye so I pull up the vid. Turns out it’s a video response to an urban legend where if you pour cola on pork, worms and maggots will come crawling out. Ooookaay….
I continue watching and quickly suspected that I was looking at a Dame Edna type. But I couldn’t help laughing. Subtle humor is a rare thing these days and this “Cola BBQ Pork Chops” has it in spades.
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Do you want Fries with that?

I went over to T&T Supermarket last night for some fruit and stopped by the noodle isle. That’s right, you go to an oriental grocery, the noodle selection takes up a whole isle. The store was about to close, so I had to quickly select some cup noodles out of the many for sale. I ended up picking a “Vegetable and Salt noodles” in a green cup that looked good on the picture, but beyond that I had no idea what it would be like.

Today, I decided to try this thing out for lunch. Looking at the bill, I see that I paid $2.89 for this thing. $2.89?! This had better be some damn fine noodle for that money. Looking over the ingredients list I see fried bean curd noodles, cabbage, French fries… French fries? I bought cabbage and French fry noodles for $2.89? Trying to keep an open mind about this, I poured boiling water into the cup up to the line and waited 5 minutes. At least, that’s what I assume I’m supposed to do based on no instructions in English, and a “no microwave” symbol on the cup. Everything is already in the cup, no packets to open and dump in – nice.

You know what? That was some damn fine noodles for $2.89. All I know is the little English label stuck on the clear wrapping called them “Myojo (Sapporo Ichiban vegier sio falvor..” noodles, they come from Japan (unusual these days) and they are in a green container showing the noodles in a bowl with vegetables, surrounded by a bunch of vegetables and potatoes, but no French fries.

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Google Streetview in Calgary Peculuarities

Google Streetview for Calgary got released today. I ended up blowing away more time at work looking at this that I should have, but oh well, it’s not every day that Streetview gets released for your city, and being a big Streetview junky, I was going to have to look up a few hundred things first before I could sate myself and get back to work.

In the process I noticed a few things. Quite a few things. Some of which I’ve investigated further this evening and am now posting on.

For starters, I’m pretty sure that Streetview plots its’ images automatically by matching the GPS co-ordinates of the road map with the CPS co-ordinates of the car at the time the picture is taken. This should work quite well, until there is a problem with the road map being off. Road maps are off in a lot of places in Calgary due to changes, and I have found that the current Google map seems to be skewed a bit in general.
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Damn, you Ice Cream truck!

It seems lately that that my neighborhood has been bombarded by Ice Cream trucks. You really can’t miss them – at least by sound. That silly musical bonging playing the same thing over and over and over. The thing of it is, I’m outside working, listening to this thing go up and down one block after another – it must have like a 3 block radius – fading in and out as it goes between the buildings. I could live with it, but I get that STUPID song stuck in my head (there seems to be about 3 of ’em) for DAYS at a time.

So today, I’m outside sanding my deck, for hopefully the last time ever. I hate sanding. I’m hoping to banish the wood to the pits of hell and get something that does NOT require sanding. Or painting. I hate painting. Anyways, I’m sanding away with a rotary drill disk, and I hear the Ice Cream truck coming. Remembering what happened two days ago when he came by {shudder} I crank up the drill, sanding to the fullest, trying to keep going past the pain that is my spine. Must stop. Hearing Ice Cream truck. Must start again. Sand, sand, sand, ow, ow, ow! Must stop. Still hearing Ice Cream truck. Must start. Repeat about ten times.

Despite my best efforts and a now tender back, I can still hear that Ice Cream truck musac in my head. Damn you Ice Cream truck!

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Canon T1i review

I bought the Canon Digital Rebel T1i, the 10-22mm Canon lens and the 70-200 F4 L lens + 1.4 extender, along with the kit lens, 18-55mm.
T1i Camra Pic

Having previously owed the original digital Canon Rebel, I found my T1i to be light years ahead of the original. But I was expecting that, having researched things so completely, while I was waiting for the dollars to be able to buy the thing. I could have bought the T1i earlier, but I was actually considering Nikon briefly, since I was starting from scratch after being robbed of all my original gear. So, I was actually buying into a system – and that’s very important to think about in a camera if you are doing more than family snaps. You need to look to see if the system has the range of lenses and parts that you want for your photography.

So what do I think, having had this thing for a month and shot a thousand odd photos? Continue reading

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Meta Phography Equipment Review – Canon focus

def: meta Something of a higher or second-order kind –

Or, this is a review about review sites. Specifically, photography equipment review sites.

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Flower of the Day out of Nowwhere

Crocus flowers
Little story behind this picture. I’ve had this mystery plant popping up a few leaves in my rock garden for about 5 years now – I think it showed up as a hanger on with one of my purchased plants. Every year, it popped out a few long leaves from a bulb, then it would die back before June was even over.

I was tempted to rip it out on several occasions, but it wasn’t really spreading anywhere, and it died back anyways, so I’d forget about it again. Then this year, after all the rotten snow had just melted and the rock garden was just starting to green – THESE FLOWERS appeared today with no warning. Amazing. I’m assuming they are Crocus by the look, and the early flowering. Pretty decent macro for a little point and shoot camera, me thinks.

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Wacom Tabet saving my wrist so far this spring

I got a Wacom tablet this spring to help stave off carpel tunnel on my mousing wrist. I was expecting to use it only for drawing site maps, where the continual mousing all day drawing was becoming a strain. I have yet to draw much with it but I find that I’m using it more for day to day software, including the database software we use that has the crappiest interface I have seen on business software for sale. I SHOULD be able to do anything I want with a keyboard, but I am forced to use the mouse, for all those missing keyboard shortcuts. Once I start using the mouse, I tend to finish what I’m doing using the mouse. As of late, I’ve gotten very good at quickly heading the right hand over to the mouse, clicky-draggy on the one or two items I need to get with the mouse, then go back to the keyboard.
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1TB External eSATA/USB unit @ $150

‘Ya know, having to buy computer stuff for work means you end up buying a lot more stuff for yourself. But based on the previous 2 days happenings, I think I have a pretty good excuse. Besides, $150/TB of external HDD goodness seems like a good deal, but what do I know? I don’t follow this stuff regularly.
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Madly waving the Rubber Chicken to Kill Bad Computer Mojo

The title sums it up for you non-computer types. For the rest of you, long, nerdy, techy rant follows.
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