Review: Paddy O’Leary’s Irish Pub and Grille

Suburban Pub Tries to be all things to all people

Address: 8294 Centre Street NE Calgary (403) 275-6601

Paddy OLearys_1114A pub located outside of the normal inner city circle, Paddy O’Leary’s is a growing trend in the last few years for some pubs to locate out in suburbia, where it is handy to visit from home rather than from work, which most of the first – generation pubs in Calgary seem to have focused on. Having visited this pub on several occasions, this review is somewhat of a general view from those visits.
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Alnoor Kassam just lost any chance of getting my vote

Occasionally, a politician does something so monumentally stupid that with a single act, they kill any hope of their being elected. Sometimes they just do something to honk me off and permanently loose any chance of getting my vote. I don’t know quite where this falls yet.

I first heard of Alnoor from his attention grabbing posters at LRT stations talking about building west LRT now, not years from now. Smart move, promising LRT improvements and talking about it in the exact location where people would be sympathetic.

So I check out his web site Seems pretty reasonable, not too much detail at the time, but this was early in the campaign. Perhaps some reasonable alternative to vote for come election day.

Then I start hearing about his previous business dealings in Kenya – not exactly a shining “Business Leader”. Furthermore, his line on his site “A city is no different than a business: it has an annual operating budget of $2 billion, 12 thousand employees and 1 million customers.” doesn’t exactly strike me as very compassionate – so as a “business” should Calgary kick out anyone that is not paying there way in this city?

The final straw is he’s just honked me off by leaving a phone spam message on my answering machine, showing a total lack of respect for my private phone line, which I don’t care to have turn into an auditory spam repository like, say, email these days. If that’s how Alnoor runs things when he’s trying show how great he is, I don’t want to even contemplate how he’d be if he was running the city. As far as how big a mistake this is, well, then depends on how many phones he’s left his message on – anyone out there get one of these on their cell phone?

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Review: The Dog & Duck Public House & Restaurant

Interesting House converted into a Pub – Ruined by bad Service

Address: 5340 2nd St. SW Calgary

Edit: You may want to check out my newer review, which comes on a re-visit with much better service

Dog and Duck

A bit tricky to find, this is a house converted into pub located on a back street just east of MacLeod Trail. There is a charming, quiet outdoor area with actual picnic tables. A nice pub decor greets you on the inside. However, this is yet another Calgary establishment that tries to be both a sports bar and a pub. The huge big screen TV in the middle of the main sitting area is just annoying if you don’t care to watch whatever sports event is on at the time. At least they keep the volume down. I would also note that the washroom area could use a bit of cleaning and renovation.

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What are they smoking over at Future Shop?

I’m browsing my way through the B5 stuff at Future Shop when I run across this little gem:

” In 1994 Star Trek had to take a backseat to this science fiction series, created by Michael…”

Uhhh, I don’t know what you guys are smoking over there, but pass some over to me, ‘cuz that’s some fine tripp’n you are doing over there.

Oh, and prices have dropped on the original series now: $68 per season, finally cheaper than when purchased originally. But when is the 5 season set coming out?

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Shake that C Train

Yet another post on the C Trains. Here I am yet again on a packed train and lo, what happens as we hit the zoo stop – another train problem. This is like the third time – I’m beginning to suspect some bad train karma coming from that station. It’s the usual – door that won’t stay closed. You never heard about the last one because the operator got it closed in short order.

This time it’s a little different again. Trains were running late today – not like it happens all the time, but it is becoming more frequent these days. I didn’t even try to get on the first train downtown as it was packed already without me trying to squeeze on. The next train was possible to get on, but was packed by the time we got to the end of downtown, with all the people who had not been able to get on the previous train.

We get to the (cursed?) zoo stop and the train sits there. The usual “please stand clear of the open doors” announcement heralds the beginning of the problems. The usual play commences – operator comes down to see what is happening. I can’t really see what’s going on this time, but since I’ve seen it twice now I can only assume its some variant of door goes open / door goes closed. The operator goes back to his cab in front.

I expect the usual – cycle the door open lights, perhaps the power on the train again, but no – this guy has to subscribe to a different fixit camp. You know that standard technique to fix all things, if you be without tools, time or energy? Just give the item at hand a good wack and hope it fixes things. Well, this guy suddenly wrenches the train forward, and brings it to an equally quick halt, tossing us about inside like a Caesar salad. He didn’t even turn the light off on the doors first, which for veteran riders means get ready for the jolt that comes when the newer model of trains get going.

So I’m standing there pissed off – moving my sore shoulder about to assess the damage (no lawsuit this time) when the operator comes on and asks the people in the back by the possessed door to try it again. After a short pause, door lights go off and the train lurches forward.

I guess that old ‘whack the CD-ROM drive’ to get it reading again trick works on trains in some form too.

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Trains may break, but people can’t be put back together so easily

20minute Delay_1106

Last post here, I was witness to a C-train malfunction causing mayhem with the system. This time it was people breaking that leads to posting. Perhaps this will be a trend – every time I have a C-train story I post. I’m just glad not to be posting on that poor person that was pushed in front of a train – not something I ever need to see.
It was a late arrival at the station with a co-worker – just missed the previous train, but wasn’t in a particular big hurry at that point. When the next train arrives (not mine) some guy is blocking the door preventing it from closing. At first I think there is something wrong with the door (understandable considering my previous experience) then the C-Train operator comes over and goes in the train, ignoring the door entirely. Then I realize there is a guy seated just inside having a seizure of some sort. He didn’t seem in any immediate danger of dieing, but it was call the ambulance time and have him checked out. Awaiting the ambulance provided some side amusement. Watching people come madly sprinting up to the train and cram into whatever door was open at the time, then realize that they were going nowhere fast was amusing.
The paramedics arrive and check the guy out, then a couple go and get a stretcher as pictured. They carry the guy off the train onto the stretcher. He seemed okay, other than looking confused as to what was happening. What was interesting is that people were actually being courteous, trying to make room for the paramedics and get out of the way of their comings and goings. Nice to see some shreds of decency still exist in these parts. What else was interesting is that it only took 20 minutes from train stop to train resumption of service. Too bad it took the controllers over 15 minutes to get around to announcing that there was a delay.

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Glenmore Construction goodness

I’ve been watching on the web cam at Glenmore and 14th on and off today as they build the last bit of road to switch the traffic over to the new lanes:

Should’ve taken more captures. Oh well. It is interesting to watch them build the road in a day. And they can’t sluff either being viewable on a web cam for everyone to see.

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My Train Broke

So there I was on the 5ish pm train going “WTF? why are there so many people on this train?” We were packed in like sardines, which doesn’t tend to happen so much in the summer. Thinking on it, I noted that it had been a really long wait for a train, so naturally, it was packed as a result. Oh well, it’s a short ride for me out to Barlow Max Bell Station.

Yeah, right. It was a weird day on the train. Normally, people get off and hardly anyone gets on, so the lack of breathing room tends to clear up relatively quickly. Not today. For the first two stops out of downtown, one person got off, two people got on. That doesn’t seem like much, but we are already packed in. Oh, I didn’t mention that today was my day carrying the laptop which is a huge case on top of my small backpack, so I can’t so much as turn without wacking someone with either my backpack or laptop case.

So we get to the Zoo station where a young lady talking on a cell phone get on. Annoying loud talker type, but whatever, I’m getting off next stop. We don’t move. We still don’t move. An announcement comes over the barely audible PA: Warbel frebre door ipfre foerry. Someone is blocking the door. We still don’t move. The next PA announcement is slightly more clear to the effect of hold on while I get out and check the door.

The train driver comes walking past and I notice that the door in question is the one next to where I am squished in. They spend about 5 minutes playing Homer Simpson’s favorite game “Door goes open, Door goes closed” I don’t get it because the door seems to close. But hey, maybe I’m missing something because I’m having to crane my neck over to near breaking to see what’s going on since I can’t turn around with laptop and backpack in tow.

The train driver walks back to the front. “Good”, I’m thinking, “he got it fixed and I can finally get out of this sardine can and away from loud talker cell phone girl who hasn’t even figured out why the train isn’t moving yet because she’s concentrating so hard on her phone. Then the power goes out on the train. Oh shit. Then the power comes back on. Whew! Seems that power cycling the train is one tricks they try to get things working again. Wonder if they use M$ Windows on these-Nawww.

So now the driver comes on the PA again saying there is still a problem with the door, going to try to override it manually, sorry for the inconvenience, blah blah blah. He comes walking back again, and plays round #2 of Homer Simpson’s favorite game. Cell phone girl is still blabbing on the phone going on about how it’s just stupid that this train hasn’t gotten moving yet and she has no idea why. Meanwhile another girl opposite me is text messengering someone: “My train is broke”. Heh, heh – not everyone on the train was a total idjit.

Finally, the train driver goes walking back to the front. Comes on the PA saying that he can’t get the sensor to confirm that the door is closed, so he will have to take the train out of service and remove the train from the main track in emergency mode, so all the other trains backed up behind can get moving again. We can all get off the train and wait for the next one or two or three that it will take to fit all of us on there.

I say, “screw this” and start walking the long convoluted path to the Barlow Max Bell station. Three trains pass me while I’m walking, but I don’t care – I’m out of the train. Besides, I gots to pee – If I can’t hold it I can find a convenient bush along the way at least. I make it to the Barlow station, and as I’m passing through, the PA comes on: “Your attention please, warble mble smrset south mble themb ten minute delay mble thwe wthrn dom north east mfboe mnt delay mboe ” Well, you get the idea – evidently Calgary Transit was having other major train delays along the whole system. Evidently, the echo in the Barlow station is so sever you can’t understand dick on the PA – even though it’s loud enough in there.

So to really rub salt in my wounds, I have to make a pit stop at the Family Foods along the way (not to pee – still holding that in). Need food so I can eat tomorrow type of shopping. I get to the checkout counter, no line up (yes!) and get my stuff rung through. “I need a price check on till #1” Great. “This is gonna take a bit” says the clerk. Shit. The kid who comes to do the price check looks like, twelve and doesn’t come back. The clerk send another kid, who at least looks like he’s 16 after kid #1. I finally get my groceries and get the hell out of dodge.

Lessons learned:

1) Being stuck on a train in rush hour is worse than being stuck in traffic.

2) Pee before you go home if there is any doubt.

3) Calgary Transit PA systems suck.

4) Walking between the Zoo and Barlow takes longer than you’d think

5) Next time, take the bus, err, walk, err I guess there is no good way to get around in Calgary anymore.

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Traffic jams you won’t see in Calgary

Exploding whale stops traffic in Tainan, Taiwan

Well, there is only so bad that traffic can get in Calgary. At least we don’t have to contend with whales in transport exploding on the Deerfoot.

Although the concrete truck I saw overturned and spilling it’s load was probably harder to clean up.
You might not want to click the article if you’re sqeemish about guts.

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Oh what a site nature and man hath wrought

Every once in a while I see something from the window of my house that make me run and and get a camera. I had stepped out onto my deck to take a look at the colors of the setting sun when I look up and go “oh man, I gotta go get a camera right now.

What I saw was this giant “X” that had been created in the sky by two plane contrails crossing each other, in the setting sun, no less.

The second plane was just passing by when I took this first picture, which gave this big sky picture it’s interesting effect.

I continued to photograph the progression, knowing it would only last a few minutes:

… and then I thought nothing more of it until I got around to downloading the pictures this evening.

Then I noticed something cool.

The second plane’s contrail was being affected by the first one

It’s times like these that I really get reminded about how cool photography can be.

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