Tag Archives: Podium

Going to Explore the Undiscovered Country

It all started with a question: Is is possible to live a life exploring the world, without breaking the bank?

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50 years ago an American walked on the moon, today…

…we have an American being launched into orbit around the earth by the the Russians, because the Americans do not have their own capability to launch humans, even to low earth orbit. Not a lot of people would’ve have placed … Continue reading

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You Are as Happy as Where You Are

There is an old saying, ‘the grass is greener on the other side of the fence’. I was watching the gathering of nomads at the RTR, thinking how great it would be to be down there, in the warmth and … Continue reading

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Voting no tomorrow on the oy-limp-icks bid

Tomorrow is voting day in Calgary, we get a chance to vote on if we want to bid for the 2026 winter Olympics in Calgary. I’ll be voting ‘no’ – what follows is my reasoning.

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Civic Voting

Today is voting day in Alberta, for your local representatives to town and school. I’m pleased to report a huge turnout at my local polling station. According to one of the ballot minders I queried, it has been nutz all … Continue reading

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Over $500K housing is 20% of the Canadian market

Mortgage rules in Canada have been tightened up again, with the hope that the high prices of some markets will be reigned in. I keep seeing the media parroting the line “The changes affect properties that cost more than $500,000 … Continue reading

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So you pissed it all away again…

Oil is sitting at under $40 a barrel. If that has you worried about your job in Alberta, good – you should be worried as the longer this lasts, the higher the unemployment rate is going to go. If you … Continue reading

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Teaching Myself Composition

I’m trying to teach myself better photo composition today. So, this essay is as much me talking to myself as it is me trying to teach you something. Composition is very important – you can’t fix very much of it … Continue reading

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Turning Science Fiction into Science

In this day and age, so many years after the first man in space, first moon landing, first supersonic flight, first test tube baby I forget that just once in a while, there is still the occasion when we manage … Continue reading

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Do not support making the long form census optional

The government wants to make the long form part of the census optional – an important enough issue that I sat down and wrote a letter to my MP, despite being at work late again. I’ll let the letter speak … Continue reading

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