Cell phone replacement not cool

Pixel9 phones Google store Aug24

I didn’t like what the google store told me

As a nomad, my Pixel 6 Pro cell phone is one of the most important items in my life. It is my connection to the outside world, my entertainment, my research tool, my goto camera, my flashlight, my radio, among many other things. So when it started overheating on me, I knew it was time to start thinking about a replacement.

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Grass roots campaigning in Texas

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Texas bulldog at an outdoor restaurant A-OK

Texas so far had been good. Free camping at a nice park was great, the highways were good and the gas was cheap. This really should be Nirvana for RV travelers, at least if you can give up being out in the middle of nowhere with no one around you. But I was heading for Dallas and a mixture of mooch-docking and paid campground camping with my friend. There was definitely some new experiences, both expected and unexpected. Read on to see the first part of my Texas experience.

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A Rush to Texas

Fire for one PXL_20240308_020425954 - CI was  back in the United States, camped in the same area where we had started out our adventure six weeks previously. I was planning my route east to Dallas as four days travel, with one day rest thrown in before I had to brave Dallas roads. It was to be much quicker travel than I usually do. Read on to see my “whirlwind” tour between California and Texas!
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So how was Baja?

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My last night in Baja gave me a second round of Bioluminescent seas

Before I get into my travels east to Texas, I thought I’d discuss what I think of Baja after having been there for six weeks. It’s definitely not enough time for me to be an expert on the area by any stretch, but it is long enough to start getting the feel for the place. I’ll be sprinkling this post with my favorite pictures of the trip too. If you are new here, you may want to read my posts on Baja first, starting here. Now, onto my thoughts!

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Last visit then adios, speedily north I go

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Cemetary in San Bruno

We were headed north, which seemed weird. There had been no obvious destination where we went ‘we have arrived, time to turn around’. We were just heading north because we had not felt like heading further south this time. But isn’t that the point of travel life, to go the direction you feel like going ‘just because’? It was to be my last few days with the group before I had to head north much faster. I had a meeting to make in Texas, so I would have a reason to head north much quicker soon!

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Beer for the long trip north

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Bougainvilleas were blooming in Mulege

Leaving our Mulege ocean spot, we had one further stop in mind, only a few minutes drive down the highway from where we were now. So we might as well explore Mulege a bit more before heading to Mulege Brewery, our Harvest Host stop for the night. Then it would be northward bound!

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Misdirections and narrow streets at points south

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The entry to old town Mulege

We were headed south to Mulege. Our plan was to try a beach spot just west out of town, then hit one Harvest Host spot just a bit further south. That was going to be our furthest south this trip. We don’t have a ‘must see everything’ attitude traveling a new area. We’d rather take our time, see what we felt like seeing, and come back if there is still more to see. Frankly we had missed a lot of stuff coming south in the first place – there was much to see we could hit coming back north too. But first let’s dive into what there was to see as far south as we got!

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Deceptive abandoned campground

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Abandoned, or not so abandoned campground?

Camping by a lava field had been great, but it was time to find some oceanside camping again. We were headed for Santa Rosalía, a former copper mining town that now is more focused on tourism. My research had told me the town still had extensive infrastructure from its copper mining days along the highway. I was expecting an industrial feel to the town. The plan was to stealth camp a night somewhere close to the main harbour, then explore the town from there. Read on to see if we had the best laid plans of mice and men!

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Camping at the foot of a lava flow

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Las Tres Virgenes from a sunset lit lava field

Our stay at San Ignacio was only a one night thing. The square is way too noisy for a restful sleep. Not to mention, being parked beside the main tourist attraction for more than one night would definitely be pushing it. We moved on, with Carolyn having scouted out a location with great potential beside a lava field. Read on to see what we found there!
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Contemplation and separation into Sur Baja

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Looking past the church grounds to San Ignacio

We had passed into Baja Sur, half way down the Baja peninsula. It had been quite the adventure at the half way mark. We needed some time to chill after all the stress. The plan had been to camp not far from Guerrero Negro so that we could meet up with some of our group that had been staying at a campground, then head back into town for one last resupply before heading further south. But the semi-fixed sand dunes we were camped around had more charm than expected. Plus we were all on our own out here, at least until our camp was invaded. Read on to find out about all that! Continue reading

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