Cooking in a new no space

To finish off the vein of “nothing is the same anymore” we get to cooking. I’m going to need a good hearty meal for my upcoming hike tomorrow, plus we need to figure out how to cook in this small awkward space.

There is a fair bit of room, but the setup is wrong, you have a big counter area to your left in the corner, then a sink, then your stove. You can’t really prep food on the counter space, it’s too far a reach to the left, with a large cupboard in your way. The sink does not come with a cover, which really would help matters. The RV designers could move the sink over to the left a bit, would give you a bit more usable space in between the sink and stove at least.

I figure it all out in the end. I go with “spaghetti and meat sauce” made in a single serving style I have not done in some time. I was happy to actually find all the ingredients, so we went with something familiar. It’s very simple: One can of Hunt’s tomato sauce, the tiny 4oz(?) tin, a bit of minced dried onion (fresh is better), some garlic and pepper to taste (combined in one seasoning mix I found). Fry up the beef, try to get a little brown on it for flavor. Add the sauce, onion, spice. Simmer for at least 20 minutes, if you can give it a bit more that helps blend the flavors more. That’s it!

First RV Cooking IMG_20191220_184112

It turned out pretty good. The beef is a little different down here, but not objectionable as chunky bits of meat in a tomato sauce. After a good meal, I’m ready for my big hike up Ford Canyon tomorrow!

About ralph

Just another blog to share some thoughts with the world. Want to comment? If you know how to contact me, I can manually set up a commenting account for you. Sorry, commenting is not open to the general public at this time.
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