Tag Archives: Uncategorized

Sitting among the Cholla

I wasn’t even halfway to Vicksburg, and already having adventures. What would await once I found my campsite? I drive off onto Vicksburg Pit Road, my first drive off into the wilds of BLM land on my own!

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Proselytism by Math in the Pass

It was time for me to leave the camp Carolyn had invited us to. She had left the previous day, not even saying goodbye to me, but not for lack of trying. She caught me in the classic awkward RV … Continue reading

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BLM Dry Camping aka Boondocking Around Quartzsite

I left Quartzsite, heading south for “BLM Roadrunner” Campground. BLM is the Bureau of Land Management, the US government department that manages public land in the USA. “Campground” is really not what this area is, other than the sense that … Continue reading

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Waterfalls with no Water and Many People

I proceeded up the trail from Petroglyph Plaza, joining what seemed like a throng of people after my previous day with hours of not seeing anyone. But it’s not crowded by city standards at any rate.

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Ford Canyon Hike

I figured since I was doing a big hike, it was fitting I have a big breakfast, especially since I had had a glorious sleep and was feeling awesome to start the day, who wouldn’t feel inspired seeing this sunrise?

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Cooking in a new no space

To finish off the vein of “nothing is the same anymore” we get to cooking. I’m going to need a good hearty meal for my upcoming hike tomorrow, plus we need to figure out how to cook in this small … Continue reading

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Travelling OK, shopping – not so much

For the first part of my adventure, I went with something easy and booked myself a nice campsite at White Tank Mountain Regional Park. So how did I end up parked at a Walmart for the night?

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50 years ago an American walked on the moon, today…

…we have an American being launched into orbit around the earth by the the Russians, because the Americans do not have their own capability to launch humans, even to low earth orbit. Not a lot of people would’ve have placed … Continue reading

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Tremendous web site

Check out this web site. http://trumptwitterarchive.com/ Believe me, it is the best way to check out the man who will solve everything with a great wall, for cheap, with many, many jobs created for the the county that will be … Continue reading

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What is the ?

In the vein of “they are out to get you” I’m looking at Google autocomplete phrases in search. Is Google tailoring search suggestions to your previous searches? Are they tailoring the searches to sell you something? For certain, Google’s autocomplete … Continue reading

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